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What does the European Union say about eHealth?

Could one say that eHealth, full of public and private initiatives, enjoys good health? What does the European Union say about eHealth?  What plans do they have for it?

In 2004 the European Union boosted the  Action Plan.

The eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 was boosted two years ago in this scenario, designed as a roadmap to achieve a smart and sustainable sanitary attention for Europe. In particular, the plan presents and consolidates actions to enjoy opportunities that eHealth may offer. Plus, it describes the European Union's role and encourages the member States and all the involved actors to work together. Specifically, this initiative promotes 4 key points:

  • Improving the management of chronic diseases and launching policies to strenghten efficient disease prevention and health promotions.
  • Increase in sustainability and efficiency of European sanitary systems by unlocking innovation, allowing centered attention on the patient and giving more power to the citizen.
  • Boosting cross border sanitary assistance, sanitary safety, universality and equity.
  • Improving legal and market eHealth conditions.


For starters, a good intentions declaration that would greatly improve the relationship between the patient and professional or sanitary organization, without specifying how to carry them out with specific actions and without directly addressing an interconnection between the eHealth systems of the different countries. And making clear that the product market that can move eHealth matters.

Instead, the plan mentioned sets operational objectives to overcome any obstacles that stop the use of digital solutions in the European Union::

1) Get a greater interoperability of eHealth services

2) Support the R & D and the competitiveness in eHealth

3) Facilitate and guarantee the widespread deployment of eHealth

4) Promote the political dialogue and international cooperation on eHealth worldwide

The four operational objectives, are they achievable or is it another intention declaration?

eHealth Budget

In the same report made two years ago, the EU itself warns the current reality of European eHealth "The sanitary systems of the EU are under severe budget restrictions", they point.

In the same conclusions they also indicate that encouraging an innovative spirit in eHealth in Europe is "the road to follow to guarantee a better health and a better attention and more safety for the EU citizens", but without specifying how exactly do they plan on doing it.

They do give some clues "With a greater transparency and empowerment, a more qualified labor, more efficient and health and care sustainable systems, better and more sensitive to public administrations, new business opportunities and a more competitive European economy that can be benefited by the eHealth commerce".

The European Union makes clear that even though they take it in consideration, it is not a priority at the time, although marking the territory they would step in case it someday becomes. And of course, without specifying how they will carry out many of the objectives that are stated in order for the 28 countries that form it to be at the same interconnection level, if this is possible some time and in some ways.